Sunday, June 6, 2010


"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled" (Matthew 5:6).

I have a full heart today as I work on memorizing the Beatitudes, my first step towards memorizing the Sermon on the Mount. Last week my oldest daughter Karina asked me if I would memorize it with her, so we have discussed and read verses in the car and copied them into our journals. Her "hunger and thirst after righteousness" fills me with gratitude. When I became a mother I had no idea that the greatest reward of motherhood would be the privilege of helping and working closely with fine people. Suzuki writes, "We must try to make [our children] splendid in mind and heart also." I have tried and am trying to do this, but I always end up feeling like I have contributed little to minds and hearts full of splendor from the beginning. I feel that each human life contains nobility and we only have to keep from destroying it to allow it to blossom.

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